from the desk of catherine, south coast enviro-experiences.

There are some amazing things that can be achieved when you volunteer your time caring for our marine environment!   

The City of Albany World Ocean Day basket weaving workshop, supported by the South Coast Enviro-Experiences project, is certainly one of them. Erica Cooper from The Stitching Studio brought her weaving skills to a keen group of participants for the workshop at the Vancouver Arts Centre earlier this month. Using rope washed up on our local beaches and collected by volunteers at the Sea Shepherd beach clean ups, Erica showed the group how they can recycle the rope by weaving it into baskets or coasters. 

The group showcased their work while discussing the importance of looking after our marine environment.

Did you know that suffocation and entanglement are the most common problems caused by rope found in our oceans? Ocean microplastics are tiny fibre particles from plastic that are suspended in the ocean and can be ingested by marine life.

A great deal of microplastics come from synthetic textile fibers which are now commonly used in certain types of rope. Unfortunately, even good quality rope deteriorates, shedding fibres that end up in our waters. 

If you’re inspired to make a difference, join Sea Shepherd for their next beach clean up on Saturday 22nd July 2023 from 10am – 12pm at Cosy Corner beach in Albany. Event details can be found on the South Coast NRM Facebook page.

To learn more about the local environment, become a citizen scientist and attend a citizen science workshop or even get your hands dirty by joining in local volunteer activities. Register on the South Coast Enviro-Experiences volunteer platform for more details: 

If you would like to hear more about environmental volunteering in Albany and surrounds, contact Catherine (e) (m) 0421 437 525. Or in Esperance and surrounds, contact Jimena (e) (m) 0437 440 237.