Climate resilient conservation of urban western ringtail possums
This project will undertake recovery, monitoring and awareness raising activities in urban and peri-urban areas of Albany. By engaging the community and implementing targeted conservation strategies, we aim to improve the trajectory of the species within one of its stronghold regions.

About the project
About Western Ringtail Possums
The Western ringtail possum (Pseudocheirus occidentalis) is a threatened species, otherwise known as ngwayir (‘n-waar-ear’), womp, woder, ngoor and ngoolangit.
The Western ringtail possum is a small (~1kg) marsupial characterised by a slender prehensile tail with a white tip and small round ears. It has dark brown (or sometimes grey) fur above, and white or grey fur on its belly, chest and throat.
How do I tell the difference between a Western ringtail possum and a common brushtail possum?
Brushtail possums are larger in size, have a very bushy tail and larger ears.
Distribution and habitat
The Western ringtail possum is a nocturnal, arboreal (it is adapted to living in trees) and folivorous (leaf-eating herbivore) species that is endemic to south-western Australia. The species range is thought to have decreased by 90% since colonial settlement and it is now confined to three strongholds in southwest Australia, where it is found in high densities in urban areas.
Conservation status
- Estimated 17,000 mature individuals left in the wild (Biota 2019)
- Ranked as ‘Critically Endangered’ by state (Wildlife Conservation Act 1950), national (Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) and international (IUCN) legislation
- One of 21 mammal species listed in the Australian Government’s Threatened Species Action Plan
Key Challenges
The Western ringtail possum is threatened by:
- Predation: introduced predators like cats, foxes, and dogs.
- Habitat loss: degradation and fragmentation of natural habitats and nesting sites.
- Climate change: increased temperatures and reduced rainfall impacting food sources and habitat.
- Inappropriate fire regimes
- Road kills
Project Details
The Western ringtail possum is confined to three strongholds in southwest Australia, where it is found in high densities in urban areas. As southwest Australia becomes drier, the possum’s range will likely shrink due to their reliance on leaf moisture, suggesting urban areas with watered gardens may act as climate refuges. This project will undertake recovery, monitoring and awareness raising activities in urban and peri-urban areas of Albany. By engaging the community and implementing targeted conservation strategies, we aim to improve the trajectory of the species within one of its stronghold regions.
The three key management zones identified in the Western Ringtail Possum Recovery Plan (DPaW 2017) are shown in the map below.
Conservation Efforts
To combat these challenges, our project focuses on several key activities aimed at enhancing the western ringtail possum habitat and community involvement in urban Albany, including:
- Wildlife Friendly Gardening and Urban Greening Initiatives
- Climate Mitigation Strategies
- Reducing Pet Predation and Encouraging Responsible Pet Ownership
- Road Safety Measures
- Citizen Science Monitoring Program
- Awareness Raising
The project provides registered community members with possum nest boxes, water sources, possum-friendly plants, workshops and citizen science opportunities, as well as rebates for catios and dog-fences. You can be involved in just one or all – the choice is yours!
Help us protect the Western ringtail possum
get involved with
Citizen Science
Possum Monitoring Program
What is it? We are looking for citizen scientists to undertake bi-annual possum spotlight monitoring in 5 key urban bushland remnants around Albany.
Why take part? The aim of the monitoring is to establish a baseline of relative abundance and distribution of western ringtail possums in these locations to compare the population before and after implementation of conservation strategies undertaken during the project.
Where? Key bushland sites within 10 km of Albany city centre: Mt Clarence/Mt Adelaide, Mt Melville, Menang, Greatrex Rd Reserve and Bayonet Head. Volunteers will be divided amongst the locations.
When? Bi-annually, with the monitoring run over a maximum 4-night period in Spring 2024, Autumn 2025, Spring 2025 and Autumn 2026. Volunteers can help for between one and all of these seasons.
How do you take part? Observers slowly walk along pre-defined transects at night with head torches, scanning both sides of the transect and the transect itself for western ringtail possums and recording any sightings on the field data sheet.
Will this suit me? Citizen scientists will need to have a moderate level of fitness and be comfortable walking in the bush at night. Our transects won’t always stick to the trails!
Interested? Register your expression of interest:
Take part in the Annual Ringtail Tally in Autumn 2025
What is it? The Ringtail Tally was established by GeoCatch in 2016, in partnership with Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA). The Tally aims to improve our knowledge and awareness of western ringtail possums living in urban areas (see more here
As part of this project, Oyster Harbour Catchment Group (OHCG) is coordinating the Annual Ringtail Tally in the region in Autumn 2025.
Why take part? The information gained from the Tally is building a reliable set of observation data that will improve our knowledge about where Western ringtail possums are found and in what numbers. This information is then used as a reference for population trends, future planning decisions and conservation projects.
Where? Choose your survey site; it may be your garden, local park, or patch of bush.
When and how? Citizen scientists record sightings of possums in their local area over a 4-week period during April to May 2025 and submit their tally sheets to OHCG.
I’m interested! Head to the OHCG website for more details
Wildlife Friendly Gardening
Get involved by installing a possum-friendly wildlife structure in your garden, planting possum-friendly plants or attending one of our wildlife friendly gardening workshops.
Possum Next Boxes
Would you like to provide shelter in your garden for a possum? We have 50 ‘Medium mammal (rear entry)’ box to giveaway from ‘The Re-cyc-ology Project’ for urban and peri-urban gardens to provide the possums with a cool, safe refuge. Available from December 2024.
Information on Possum Nest Boxes
Interested? Register your expression of interest here:
Provide a Water Source
Another wildlife friendly gardening initiative is the installation of a water source.
Although possums predominantly access their water from their food intake, they have been observed using backyard water sources. The need for these is likely to increase as a drying climate means less moisture content in their food. Other wildlife will benefit too!
We have 50 bird baths to giveaway, 2 designs, pedestal and dish
Available from December 2024 to urban and peri-urban Albany gardens.
Guide to installing a bird bath
Interested? Register your expression of interest here:
Urban Greening
Planting possum-friendly plants that provide food and shelter for possums in your gardens is another way to help ringtails in the urban environment. We have developed a list of 84 local native plant species selected as they provide ringtails with food, shelter and movement pathways. We have >3000 plants to giveaway from around Autumn 2025 for residents to plant in their gardens or on larger peri-urban properties. We are particularly targeting suburbs of Albany (see map) as a priority to increase canopy connectivity.
Interested? Register your expression of interest here:
Wildlife friendly gardening workshops
We will be hosting wildlife friendly gardening workshops in 2025 -watch this space or register your interest in hearing about them here:
Responsible Pet Ownership
We want to reduce the predation pressure on western ringtail possums around Albany from pet cats and dogs by encouraging responsible pet ownership. We have on offer:
- 20 rebates ($400) for installation of new catios (outdoor enclosures for cats to protect wildlife)
- 20 rebates ($500) for installation of new possum-friendly dog fences (sectioning off portions of garden to reduce dog-wildlife conflict)
These rebates will be available from Autumn 2025. More details coming soon.
Links to more information on catios
Links to more information of possum-friendly dog fences
Link to list of installers
Interested? Register your expression of interest:
Awareness Raising
South Coast NRM and other Project Partners are raising the awareness for the conservation of western ringtail possums withing urban and peri-urban Albany throught various communications and events. Check out our Facebook Page to stay updated.
Further Resources
Contact Us
Please contact Emma Sommerville for more information about the project
Our Project Partners
The Urban Western Ringtail Possum project is a collaboration between South Coast NRM, Oyster Harbour Catchment Group, Torbay Catchment Group, UWA Albany, City of Albany, Southern Aboriginal Corporation and Cat Laws and Wildlife Survival Group, and is supported by South Coast NRM through grant funding from the Australian Government Saving Native Species Program.