From the desk of Laura, Project Leader South Coast Enviro Experiences. 

Have you heard of the Wellington Wetlands? They are part of Yakamia Creek, flowing behind the cricket ovals and hockey fields near the Albany Leisure and Aquatic Centre. On Friday 26th May, the City of Albany Reserves team was supported by South Coast Enviro-Experiences for their fortnightly Bushcarer’s Community Busy Bee.   

For two hours the hardworking volunteers helped to remove invasive weeds, with a particular focus on pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana). This weed is commonly found in gardens, with its tall fluffy flowers, and can escape into native vegetation and spread. The sword-like leaves of pampas grass make it impossible to remove with bare hands, so our volunteers were well prepared with gloves, forks, shovels and bags. By the end of the Busy Bee, volunteers had filled an entire truck with weeds. The removal of introduced plants is vital to improving the flow and water quality of Yakamia Creek, and encouraging the return of water birds back to the wetlands. 

Next time you drive or walk by Yakamia Creek, take a moment to appreciate this stunning natural habitat or why not join us at the next Busy Bee! 

For more information on environmental opportunities in Albany sign up to the NEW South Coast Enviro-Experiences platform, download the Myimpact App and connect with your community

For more information or help with the platform please contact Catherine in Albany (e) (m) 0421 437 525 or in Esperance and surrounds, please contact Jimena (e) (m) 0437 440 237.

For more information or help with the platform please contact Catherine in Albany (e) (m) 0421 437 525 or in Esperance and surrounds, please contact Jimena (e) (m) 0437 440 237.