South Coast Enviro-Experiences Project Leader Laura Bird was out and about in the region this week. Laura says “It was great to be part of the Ravensthorpe Community Lab on Wednesday, collaboration and networking was the aim and it definitely delivered with over 12 groups represented from the area. I was looking to find enviro experiences in the Ravensthorpe and Hopetoun region to list on our NEW South Coast Enviro-Experiences volunteer web-platform and I was not disappointed. There is so much happening! So many great opportunities in the region for volunteers including the Ravensthorpe Wildflower Show and Herbarium in September, an event by the Hopetoun Community Resource Centre in May, a variety of wildlife monitoring activities being planned by the Fitzgerald Biosphere and tree planting opportunities with Ravensthorpe Agricultural Initiative Network (R.A.I.N) later in the year.”

Volunteering is a great way to help your local environment, learn new skills and connect with your local community. If you would like to know more about this platform and upcoming environmental volunteering opportunities across the South Coast, or if you have an enviro-experience you would like included on this platform contact (e) (m) 0428 294 234

The South Coast Enviro-Experiences project is supported by Lotterywest.