Many hands make light work!

Especially when it’s a team of enthusiastic volunteers. Earlier this month, South Coast NRM was joined by Mount Manypeaks Primary School students, The City of Albany reserves team, and the local community, to undertake weed control of Sydney golden wattle (Acacia longifolia) at the Ballogup property in Manypeaks.

Noongar Elder, Eliza Woods, joined the volunteer group and shared stories of Ballogup’s traditional custodians. The Menang people have gathered at this site for thousands of years, and it continues to be an important Cultural meeting place with generations of family members.

“A Day in the Bush” was a huge success – for our volunteers and the Ballogup environment. Acacia longifolia may look pretty with its vibrant yellow flowers but it’s an extremely invasive weed. The plant can crowd native vegetation, become a bushfire hazard, and is a major threat to the conservation value of this unique Cultural heritage site. Volunteers were keen to get their hands dirty, and by afternoon they had cleared a large area of Sydney golden wattle on the eastern side of the property.

Environmental works at Ballogup are ongoing. Restoring Lake Pleasant View Project Officer, Karl Hansom, and Albany Heritage Reference Group Aboriginal Corporation (AHRGAC) have been working collaboratively with Parks and Wildlife Service, Western Australia to monitor and manage Sydney golden wattle as part of a restoration plan for the site.  

As a South Coast Enviro-Experience, the volunteer event provided a valuable opportunity for young students and the local community to learn about Noongar culture while tackling a significant environmental issue.

If you’d like to know more about environmental volunteering opportunities and the South Coast Enviro-Experiences project, head to or contact Catherine Johnston (e) (p) 0421 437 525

The South Coast Enviro-Experiences project is supported by Lotterywest.