In December 2022, the Australian Government announced an open tender for the establishment of a Panel of Regional Delivery Partners. Through this Approach to Market, South Coast NRM is striving to secure resources for the South Coast region to care for the Country and communities where we live. 

Our Senior Operations Team have been on the road meeting with community and partnership groups to discuss the opportunities for attracting investment to implement Southern Prospects – the South Coast Regional Strategy for Natural Resource Management. Led by facilitator Kylie Cutten, the workshop series was delivered in Esperance, Jerramungup and Albany. The workshops aimed to collaboratively discuss local and regional priorities to inform the development of the Investment Concepts, which will form part of the tender to the Australian Government.   

These workshops brought together a broad and passionate group of expertise, experience and interests. The partnership approach to attracting investment created a room that was energised by a common goal – looking after where we live and communities caring for their environment. The overall vibes from all three sessions were integrated, informative, positivity, inclusivity, excitement and support.  

Running in parallel with the workshop series has been a dedicated consultation process with Indigenous organisations across the region. Many thanks to everyone who has been involved in the process to date. As a team we feel very supported by the community and we look forward to moving through the various stages and maintaining good communication with the community throughout.  

South Coast NRM will be sharing the draft Investment Concepts with the community on Friday, 17th February when there will be opportunities to meet with the team virtually to understand how they were developed. The community will be able to provide comment on the drafts up until Wednesday, 22nd February after which the concepts will be finalised and ready to submit with the tender.