The workshops are supported by funding from the Australian Government and will be run by the Kondinin Group  between March 11 and June 29.

The workshops will focus on carbon farming and assist farmers to consider the business opportunities presented by the ERF which came into force on 12 December 2014.

 The ERF integrates the Australian Government’s original Carbon Farming Initiative scheme (CFI) under which farmers can earn Australian Carbon Credits Units (ACCUs) for carbon offsets projects registered under the ERF.

ACCUs can be sold or passed down as inheritance to future generations.

Poject manager Nilay Gencturk said the business awareness workshops will carefully consider the business benefits, co-benefits, costs and risks of participating in an ERF project from the perspective of a farmer or those who work closely with farmers.

“After all, a business case cannot be built without knowing the facts and this naturally includes all the pros, cons and risks and discussed different scenarios,’Nilay said.

“Kondinin has assembled a strong line-up of presenters who have specialised skills and knowledge and have extensive experience of presenting detailed business concepts to a farmer audience.

“Participants will each receive a free comprehensive 200+ page workshop manual written by two leading professional services firms – one in economics and the other are experts in this area of law.

“For example, we have a whole chapter on the taxation implications of the ERF which will be a great resource not only to farmers but for accountants looking for more information in this area.’

Registrations are open for workshops in Geraldton, Carnamah, Dowerin, Merredin, Narrogin, Katanning, Borden, Ravensthorpe and Esperance. 

You can register online at or contact Wendy Thomson on 1800 677 761.

To see a full list of workshop dates and locations visit