The South Coast Natural Resource Management board of management has appointed Justin Bellanger as their new chief executive officer. Mr Bellanger has been acting in the role since late 2015 and brings extensive experience from his previous roles including the operations manager at South Coast NRM since 2008.

South Coast NRM chairman, Bill Hollingworth, said the organisation was at an important phase with a need to expand their existing partnerships to realise new opportunities with local businesses and local government, matched with the need to influence government policy at a State and Federal level. Mr Hollingworth said that “maintaining and increasing our resources is essential for the environmental and sustainable agriculture projects that protect and enhance the unique environment in which we live”.

“The Board determined that Justin’s background, experience and networks are ideally suited to South Coast NRM’s needs. We wish Justin every success and we look forward to continuing our close working relationship with him, our partners and community groups,” Mr Hollingworth said.

Mr Bellanger identified South Coast NRM’s role in brokering opportunities for funders, partners and the community to be more involved in projects in the South Coast as a key area on which to focus.

“We have an excellent team, with strong skills in designing, developing and securing funds for projects that address community priorities. Our goal is to make sure we can continue this at a time when other groups and government agencies are finding it difficult to maintain their presence in the region,” he said.

South Coast NRM is an incorporated, community focussed organisation formed in 1994. It is the peak natural resource management group in the South Coast NRM region, working with the community between Walpole and Esperance and inland to Tambellup, Ravensthorpe and Salmon Gums. Funding is acquired for activities to improve the environment by preserving and protecting unique plants and animals, managing agricultural land and waterways sustainably and economically, and sharing knowledge and skills in natural resource management.


Justin Bellanger CEO