On October 3rd, South Coast NRM launched the Albany Sandplain and Wetlands Forum with a field trip to Ballogup (Lake Pleasant View).

Menang Elder Vernice Gillies shared her passion for cultural heritage, conservation and preservation. Team member Hannah Bannister and Sarah Comer of Department of Biodeversity, Conservation and Attractions outlined the collaborative threatened species work and results being achieved to date.

Then back on the bus to Ten Mile Swamp where local farmer Richard Metcalfe and Basil Schur of Green Skills Inc discussed managing wetlands on private land. Don McFarlane and Phil Commander outlined the hydrogeology of the Albany Sandplain and the uniqueness of the region.

Inland freshwater resources – important culturally, for conservation, for agriculture and for water security across the state. What an outstanding way to start the Forum!

IMAGE CREDIT: Wilson Inlet Catchment Committee

Day 2 and 3 of the Albany Sandplain and Wetlands Forum featured an amazing line up of speakers and an engaged audience. The successful Forum proved to be an exciting and well timed opportunity to learn and share.

We have been working with Green Man Media to capture the event and will be producing highlight reels of the forum. We look forward to sharing over the coming days.

The Albany Sandplain and Wetlands Forum was proudly presented by South Coast NRM through funding and support from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program, BirdLife Western Australia and the Great Southern Development Commission.