Together with representatives from the Parks and Wildlife Service, WA the Albany Aboriginal Heritage Reference Group Aboriginal Corporation and the City of Albany, South Coast NRM hosted the Threatened Species Commissioner Dr Fiona Fraser, and her colleague Elliott Bell, for a site visit at Ballogup (Lake Pleasant View).
Ballogup is a place rich in cultural and environmental values and a hive of activity in the South Coast region. Collaborative work between these partners demonstrates the power of strong working relationships in achieving positive social, cultural and environmental outcomes. Elders spoke of their pleasure in opening their hearts and minds to work together with organisations who have a linkage with the threatened species and heritage values of this special landscape.
Through a dedicated predator control program overseen by Parks and Wildlife and monitored by South Coast NRM, predator activity has been significantly reduced at the site. This has given resident threatened species populations of the Western ringtail possum and Australasian bittern improved prospects for long-term survival.
The projects at Ballogup are supported through the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program and Lotterywest. To find out more about Threatened Species in the South Coast region please contact our Regional Ecologist at (e): ecologist@southcoastnrm.com.au or (p): 9845 8537