From the desk of Chrissy, Communications Officer. 

This NAIDOC Week, we are joining celebrations to recognise the history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The theme for NAIDOC Week 2023 is “For Our Elders”, in recognition of the important role that Elders have played, and continue to play, and the prominent place they hold in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and families. Elders hold knowledge and experience, in everything from land management and culture to justice and human rights. They have paved the way for current generations, and they play a vital role in guiding future generations of leaders. 

From 2nd – 9th July, NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories. For the South Coast community, there are plenty of educational and celebratory events being hosted across the region. Capturing the history of Menang Boodja, maritime history, art and culture, there are many ways to celebrate “Our Elders” and pay respect to First Nations people. For all the details, head to our events post.

The South Coast NRM team and Board deeply value the relationships we hold with the Aboriginal community, organisations, and Native Title bodies that we work with to care for Country and people. South Coast NRM is very privileged to share these rich partnerships and this week, like every week, we are celebrating the achievements of First Nations people, groups and communities across the region.

Bobbi Lockyer, a proud Ngarluma, Kariyarra, Nyulnyul and Yawuru artist, born and based on Kariyarra Country in Port Hedland, is the winner of the prestigious National NAIDOC Week Poster Competition for 2023 with her entry, For Our Elders.

“Where there is knowledge there are our Elders. Our Elders paved the pathways for us, taught us our knowledge, our history, they passed down their art, stories and wisdom. Our Elders are the foundation of our communities and role models for our children. With this poster I wanted to showcase how important our Elders are in passing down traditions and culture to our children and future.” Bobbi Lockyer.

If you are looking for ways to celebrate First Nations and Torres Strait Island culture, then you are spoilt for choice! Following is a list of all the different ways you can immerse yourself in culture and the arts, and become more informed about Australian history.

1. Support, listen to, and distribute music from Indigenous artists on IndigiTUBE and Spotify playlists like the National Indigenous Music Awards 2020 and Original Storytellers.

2. Expand your mind with award-winning Indigenous literature. The list is too long to print, so start with Talking to My Country by Stan Grant, Terra Nullius by Claire G. Coleman, That Deadman Dance by Kim Scott, Carpentaria by Alexis Wright, My Tidda, My Sister by Marlee Silva, Tell Me Why: The Story of My Life and My Music by Archie Roach, Fire Country: How Indigenous Fire Management Could Help Save Australia by Victor Steffensen, and closer to home, No Longer a Wandering Spirit by Sharon Huebner and Ezzard Flowers.

3. Immerse yourself in Indigenous film and segments of National Indigenous TV. The following incredible Australian films highlight some of the most important and unforgettable stories and performances from Indigenous Australians. 

The Tracker (2002)

An award-winning, iconic piece of Australian cinema about justice and racial prejudice in early 20th century Australia.

Where to watch? Netflix, Kanopy and Prime Video. 

Rabbit Proof Fence (2002)

A cinematic masterpiece about the integration program for Indigenous Australians.

Where to watch? Netflix and Prime Video. 


A powerful and deeply personal depiction of our country’s societal imbalances.

Where to watch? Netflix and Prime Video. 

Another Country (2015)

David Gulpilil guides you on an exploration of his own community and how life there was derailed by western culture.

Where to watch? Kanopy, Apple TV, Google Play. 


A thoughtful and compassionate look at how the education system is failing our First Nations children.

Where to watch? Kanopy, Apple TV, Google Play. 


An emotionally-rich drama showcasing the family ties of Indigenous Australians.

Where to watch? Netflix, Kanopy and Prime Video.