If you’re in Esperance and looking for a way to spend your morning, why not join LEAF (Local Environment Action Forum) as they tackle the weeds at Salmon Beach. The LEAF group are meeting Saturday 20th May between 8am – 9am.

The South Coast Enviro-Experiences project will be joining the Shire of Esperance in supporting the morning activities. Bring gloves and your own equipment such as shovels and cutters. Last weeding day the group found a noxious weed not found in the Shire region before. Spiny Burr Grass is a very invasive plant with barbed spines on the burr. These burs attach to fur, clothing, bags and other fibrous materials making it a very opportunistic and nasty plant to find in our environment.

For more information head to the LEAF Facebook group page.

To find out ore about South Coast Enviro Experiences and how you can get involved in environmental volunteering, contact Jimena (e) jimenarm@southcoastnrm.com.au (p) 0437 440 237 or head to our new web platform: https://tinyurl.com/fh9475vu 

The South Coast Enviro-Experiences project is supported by Lotterywest.