From the desk of Sophie, Regional Agricultural Landcare Facilitator.  

Site visits are a welcome opportunity for our project officers to step away from the computer screens and physically connect with the land they’re working with. The South Coast NRM team has appreciated supporting our landholders and partner groups on-site throughout the years, getting in touch with the landscapes, systems and communities that make up our incredible region.   

Sophie, our Regional Agricultural Landcare Facilitator in Esperance, has been particularly enjoying working with the Ravensthorpe Agricultural Initiative Network’s newest Executive Officer, Sonia. Together, Sophie and Sonia have been conducting site visits across Munglinup and West River, experiencing the diversity of farming systems, landscapes, and environmental communities that this pocket of the South Coast has to offer. It’s been a pleasure working alongside Sonia, RAIN and the passionate landholders in the area, to develop site plans to support livestock grazing systems and protect remnant vegetation.  

Between melaleucas and eucalypts, limestone and gravels, across rivers and over paddocks, site visits are fundamental activities for individuals to be reminded of the value of our natural resources. They also offer a chance to hear from our landholders who hold such great knowledge about their land. It’s fantastic to spend an afternoon listening to farmers demonstrating good environmental stewardship and reaping the rewards with productive, sustainable farming systems. 

South Coast NRM is grateful for programs like the RALFs that allow us to empower our rural communities, in their endeavour to create sustainable agricultural systems, thriving ecosystems and resilient communities. We always look forward to our next opportunity to get out and about and encourage you or your group to reach out for your next adventure across the South Coast.  

IMAGE 1: RAINs Executive Officer Sonia discussing the benefits of summer cover crops for improved soil health in West River. Photo Credit: South Coast NRM 

IMAGE 2: RAINs Executive Officer Sonia with Munglinup landholder Olivia, next to an incredible stand of grevilleas. Photo Credit: South Coast NRM