South Coast NRM and North Stirlings Pallinup Natural Resources Inc recently supported a Cultural awareness and Landcare nursery visit with Gnowangerup District High School students as the current Noongar Kaartdijin (knowledge) program winds down. 

Students from Gnowangerup District High visited the Gnowangerup Aboriginal Corporation’s (GAC) nursery and Cultural Heritage Centre hosted by representatives of the Aboriginal corporation Karina, Roxanne and Ashaelah Woods.

Karina, Roxanne and Ashaelah all work at the nursery and were able to talk about the complete process from collecting seed, growing seedlings and planting on private land and reserves throughout the South Coast region.

Some students had hands on experience transplanting native seedlings from sprouting trays to grow out which was harder than it looked! Of great interest was looking at the variety of seeds locally collected and learning about Noongar uses for seeds such as sandalwood and quandong.

Caroline House and Tegan Knowles from North Stirling Pallinup Natural Resources shared with the students Landcare projects that their group carry out in the region, including restoring bushland, sustainable agriculture and carbon planting. Caroline and Tegan also spoke about looking for opportunities to work with the nursery and the school on Landcare projects.  

Karina Woods welcomed the group to Ngowanjerindy, the Gnowangerup Aboriginal Corporation Cultural Heritage Centre. Ngowanjerindy displays history of local Noongar people to be shared and conserved. Local Aboriginal art was also on display and the new commemoration display acknowledging local Aboriginal people that served in war. The centre provides a place for the local Aboriginal Culture to continue to strengthen.  

The Noongar Kaartdijin (knowledge) program is supported by funding from the State Natural Resource Management Program WA and Commonwealth Bank to extend In-school Cultural awareness throughout the region. For more information contact Natalie Reeves, Noongar Kaartdijin Project Officer on