South Coast NRM is very excited to welcome new CEO Luke Bayley to the helm this month. Luke hails from the Mid West region, spending the past decade working for Bush Heritage Australia, most recently as head of region for WA and South Australia.

Luke’s induction to the South Coast began swiftly with the 8th National Knowledge Conference held on Wadandi Boodja at Margaret River. The conference was steeped in inspirational stories, camaraderie, and passion from its presenters and audience. Through presentations, workshops, and field trips, the conference taught the South Coast NRM team to be bold, think differently, and most importantly, reminded them, that we are all in this together.

An exciting event that bought together over 300 people from all 56 NRM Regions across Australia, the Knowledge Conference provided Luke as incoming CEO a great opportunity to learn more about a range of projects and programs that South Coast NRM and our partners are delivering across our region. South Coast NRM staff were involved in several presentations and poster displays throughout the conference and the opportunity for Luke to network with CEO’s from across Western Australia’s seven NRM regions was invaluable.

You will hear more from Luke and his time at the 8th National Knowledge Conference in next month’s e-News, so if you’re not already subscribed, head on over to our webpage.

Congratulations and thanks to NRM Regions Australia and South West Catchments Council (SWCC) on such a well organised and highly successful conference.