From a glorious morning planting in the south coast sunshine, to the 2022 Dieback Information Group Conference by late afternoon, our Healthy Environments team does it all! 

Mike Wysong, South Coast NRM Program Manager and Natalie Reeves, Dieback Project Officer, are spending two days in Perth immersed in the latest science, tools, communication strategies and experiences in the management of Phytophthora Dieback. 

They are joined by Healthy Environments Reference Group member Yvette Caruso, from the Shire of Denmark, Mia Hunt, Plant Diseases Program Coordinator from the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, and Peter Bockman and Kynan McAllister from The City of Albany Reserves Team.

A highlight of this morning was the keynote presentation from Taoho Patuawa with his Te Roroa perspective of Phytophthora Dieback in New Zealand. Taoho spoke passionately about connecting Traditional knowledge and practices with applied science, Dieback management and behaviour change.

We look forward to hearing more from Mike and Nat about the latest scientific knowledge, best land management practices and industry innovation for Phytophthora management when they return!