Eleven members of the Albany Heritage Reference Group Aboriginal Corporation (AHRGAC) got busy assisting recent flora and fauna surveys at Ballogup, Lake Pleasant View.   

 The Kambarang (second spring) field assessments are follow up flora and fauna surveys to those completed in Djeran (autumn). All surveys were aimed at sharing and building knowledge of which flora and fauna species are found at the AHRGAC Ballogup property near Manypeaks.  

Fauna – a one day fauna survey was completed with assistance of the Noongar community. Survey and reconnaissance was undertaken on foot with assistance from Noongar family members and South Coast NRM. The searches were restricted to the AHRGAC property, and Lake Pleasant View itself was not surveyed therefore an assessment of water birds was not included. Participants worked alongside consultant Angela Sanders to share and improve their knowledge of local fauna, noongar totems and build up their fauna identification skills. Watch this space for survey results in the next edition of e-news.  

 Flora – a one day vegetation survey effort of remnant vegetation was undertaken with Noongars representing the Albany Heritage Reference Group Aboriginal Corporation – coordinated by South Coast NRM. Participants worked alongside consultant Wendy Bradshaw to improve their flora identification skills, building knowledge of the structure, composition, condition and implications for management of the bushland at the Lake Pleasant View/Ballogup property.  

 The relevé survey method was used as it is an effective rapid survey method. Samples of species that could not be identified in the field were collected, given a unique identifying name, and pressed for identification. Where possible, all species that could not be identified in the field were identified through cross referencing between Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions website Florabase, relevant plant identification keys/reference books, and the Albany Herbarium. Results will be summarised in the next edition of e-news 

 The property and land near Manypeaks has been an important meeting place for the Menang people for thousands of years, with a large natural granite amphitheatre, topped by gnamma holes, housing a rock shelter that overlooks the vast wetland. 

 South Coast Natural Resource Management is working together with members of the Albany Heritage Reference Group Aboriginal Corporation to help manage and protect the area’s rich biodiversity and cultural heritage values and encourages AHRGAC families to become involved.