What’s your favourite part of the south coast region? What should we look after above anything else? What are the biggest threats to the magical places that we all call home?
These and many more questions will be explored at workshops to be held in Esperance and Albany during the next month. South Coast Natural Resource Management is reviewing Southern Prospects – the strategy for natural resource management in the south coast region – and they are asking the community to come along and share their own vision for our region’s natural environment.
“Southern Prospects has been a great guiding tool for the last 5 years and, as part of the review, community input is vital to incorporating any new priorities to focus on” said Justin Bellanger, CEO. “We live in one of the world’s 35 biodiversity hotspots – attracting a growing number of visitors every year, and our agriculture industries contribute approximately .6B to WA’s annual agriculture production. Protecting the natural resources that underpin these industries is critical.”
South Coast NRM and community groups across the region have used the Southern Prospects strategy to guide on-ground activity to protect the region’s plants and animals, improve soil health, ensure coastal corridors are protected or restored, consider cultural heritage values and involve the community in decision making. This review of the strategy includes extensive community consultation, including one-on-one meetings with key partners, community consultative workshops, an online survey (to complete the survey follow the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SLVSD6L), and a period of public comment on the draft strategy.
The Esperance and surrounding districts community can participate in a workshop on Tuesday 26th March at the Anglican Church Hall. The Albany and surrounding districts community can have their say on Friday 6th April at the Albany Surf Life Saving Club. Details are available at www.southcoastnrm.com.au.
This project is jointly funded by the Australian Government (4,238) and South Coast Natural Resources Management (5,000) and will be completed by 10 2018 when the new Southern Prospects 2018-2023 will be available to the general public.