At the AGM of 10 November, South Coast NRM members endorsed the 2015-16 Annual Report
During 2015-16, South Coast NRM has, in partnership with our volunteers, community groups, farmers, government agencies and non-government organisations, continued to protect our region’s unique plants, animals, landscapes and farm land. A broad summary of achievements is shown below.
Engaged 6,180 people in NRM activities through 212 workshops, working bees, training sessions, education awareness, project feedback/debriefs, conferences/seminar presentations, field days, mentoring activities, roadshow and planning sessions.
Erected 267 kilometres of fencing to protect 9,880.5 ha of groundcover, revegetated fragmented landscapes, remnant vegetation and/or erosion management in priority coastal and waterway areas.
Completed 302 ha of biodiverse revegetation connecting fragmented landscapes in priority areas (45.3 ha in priority coastal and waterway areas).
Encouraged 237 farming entities to adopt sustainable farming practices over 125 ha by improving soil health, maintaining groundcover levels for soil erosion and managing soil acidification to improve productivity and reduce off site impacts.
Conducted 300 ha of flora surveys to learn more about our unique plants.
Surveyed 14,431 ha of native vegetation to assess for the presence of Phytophthora Dieback, and developed appropriate mitigation and management strategies.
Controlled 866.5 ha of weeds including Bridal Creeper, Gorse, Blackberry, Boxthorn, Sydney Golden Wattle, Victorian Tea Tree and English Ivy.
Mapped 45.6 ha to evaluate control of bridal creeper by rusting in 2010. Note: monitoring has shown this biological control method is proving effective in the Bremer Bay region.
Surveyed and controlled feral pigs over 69,898 ha.
Controlled pests across 224,732 ha (foxes, rabbits and feral cats).
You can download a copy of the report here. If you would like a hard copy please contact the executive support officer on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.