South Coast NRM are working with the University of Tasmania and partners to deliver the Australian Wool Innovation funded BENEFITS project.  BENEFITS stands for Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Net Emissions and Forestry ITemiSation of wool farms. 

This exciting new project is all about developing profitable, sustainable, practical pathways for reducing farm greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, improving profitability and biodiversity of sheep farms.  The project also forms part of the broader Carbon Storage Partnership, which is funded by Meat and Livestock Australia.   

Wool farmers – we need you! 

One of the key deliverables for the BENEFITS project is four case studies from different sheep farms across Australia.  

Participating farms will receive farm-specific reports with scientific information on whether engaging in carbon farming (ACCUs) or biodiversity markets would be economically or environmentally worthwhile endeavors. The total value of this information to the participant would be worth over $50,000.

You can read more about the process here.  

If you’ve got any questions, contact Kylie Fletcher (p) 9076 2200 (ext 529) (e): or A/Professor Matthew Harrison (e):