From the desk of Natalie, Projects Leader. 

In culmination of a very successful year of community events, South Coast NRM has completed another year of regeneration and planting seedlings along Yakamia Creek. Thirty-eight community members and local contractors carried out infill planting of nearly 10,000 seedlings at two different rehabilitation sites on the creek. Most of the seedlings were sourced locally from a wetland specialist nursery. 

This project is a part of Healthy Estuaries WA, a State Government program that aims to improve the health of our South West Estuaries, and this work was carried out by South Coast NRM with support from the City of Albany and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation. The seedlings added to the amazing growth occurring at previously planted sites and filled in areas that could not be completed in the season last year. 

Rehabilitation of the site will improve the ecological functions and values of Yakamia Creek through reduced erosion, increased biodiversity and improved amenity. Enhancing the ecological function and value of Yakamia Creek will improve habitat for the Western Long Neck Turtle (Yaka/Yakkin) and other wildlife. In a boost for the local environment, the presence of kangaroos and bandicoots at the sites was evident, along with ducks and other waterbirds enjoying the creek. 

You can join in with future community events on Yakamia Creek to make a difference to our local living stream. For further information please contact Natalie Reeves on 98458537 or 

Yakamia Creek revegetation site prior to December 2021 and planting activities in the same location in August 2023.