The amazing coastline and landscape of the Fitzgerald Biosphere is home for Wirlomin Noongar people and a birthplace of Culture. For millennia, Wirlomin Noongar people shared stories, songs, and dance that resonated with the rhythms of ‘Songlines’ and the deep cultural memory of geographical features and pathways. European colonisation threatened to destroy this heritage.
‘Songlines and the Fitz’ is a presentation by Wirlomin Noongar Language and Stories about healing the connection between people, cultural heritage, and Country. In a region famous for its remarkable and vulnerable biological diversity – and infamous for its colonial history – Wirlomin show how cultural artefacts like language may also blossom in apparently hostile circumstances.
Guided by Elders, activating both archives and community memory, Wirlomin share the consolidation and enhancement of cultural heritage in ancestral country, and suggest how its many manifestations may reach ever-widening circles of audiences while the heart-seed remains planted in this precious place right here, nurtured by a new ecology of relationships.
Join us at the Hopetoun Community Centre as part of the Ravensthorpe Wildflower Show on Saturday, September 17th, 2022. Tickets are just $5, please see the event flyer and QR code for bookings and additional details.
‘Songlines and the Fitz’ is proudly presented by the Wirlomin Language Group, in partnership with South Coast NRM and proudly supported by Lotterywest.
For more information about this exciting event, please contact Justin Benson, Songlines and Sustainabillty Project Officer on (e) justinb@southcoastnrm.com.au or (p) 9845 8537