NAIDOC WEEK in Australia is observed July 3-10. This year, we are encouraged to “Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!” to help amplify the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Recently, Noongar Elders and family members took part in the second heritage survey to be conducted as part of the Restoring Lake Pleasant View project supported by Lotterywest. The survey was conducted at North Sister Nature Reserve near Ballogup in May 2022 to improve knowledge. The survey shed light on possible past cultural occupation and use of this landscape.
Elders, family members and South Coast NRM teamed up with archaeologist Paul Greenfeld to find evidence of cultural artefact scatter, by exploring areas close to one of the lakes and along a sandy access track near White Lake.
Elders were excited to see that the area has signs of being used by their ancestors over a long period of time.
This successful survey was made possible by Albany Heritage Reference Group Aboriginal Corporation and the local community working together.
All parties acknowledge the funding support from Lotterywest.