In partnership with the Mount Barker Banksia Farm, South Coast NRM hosted an Open Garden Day at the Banksia Farm to raise awareness for the Kwongkan Threatened Ecological Community (TEC). This ecological community is found only within the South Coast region of Western Australia, and is dominated by flowering shrubs from the Proteaceae family (e.g. Banksia, Grevillea, Hakea). Many of the beautiful Banksia found on Kathy and Kevin Collins’ property form part of this unique TEC which is protected under federal law.
Kevin Collins led a guided tour of the farm, and a presentation session featured talks from local naturalists and members of the Menang Noongar community on the biodiversity and cultural importance of the Kwongkan TEC. A delicious array of homemade soups and slices awaited the 250 attendees who worked up an appetite wandering the farm to observe the vast collection of Banksia and other species.
South Coast NRM wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to Kathy and Kevin Collins and presenters: Ezzard Flowers, Owen Woods and Karina Woods from Gnowangerup Aboriginal Corporation; May Penny from Tambellup Aboriginal Progress Association; and Sylvia Leighton. It was a great day for both adults and children!
For more information about Threatened Ecological Communities, please contact the South Coast NRM Regional Ecologist at (e): ecologist@southcoastnrm.com.au or (p): 9845 8537
This event was proudly supported by the Banksia Farm and South Coast NRM through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.