Produced by Esperance-based film makers Blue Office Productions in conjuction with South Coast NRM Coastal, Marine and Water program leader Dylan Gleave, the 60 minute documentary ‘Remote and Rugged’ also looks at how modern living is effecting the South Coast landscape and the important conservation work being carried out to protect this area of outstanding natural beauty.
Mr Gleave said it was very rewarding to be involved with the project which captures the knowledge and experience of a number of people dedicated to natural resource management practices.
He said Remote and Rugged could not have been made without the support of local NRM community organisations, coastal management agencies and volunteers who donated their time and resources.
The documentary was funded by the Department of Planning’s Coastwest initiative and the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country program.
For a free copy of this inspiring documentary, please call into our Albany office at 39 Mercer Road, or our Esperance premises at Unit 3, Suite 8, 113 Dempster Street.