As part of the Australian Government’s Rural R&D for Profit programme, a national survey of farmers about the topic of agricultural extension is being conducted.
We encourage your participation in the survey to ensure the diverse views of farmers on this important topic are represented. Ensuring that farmers have the information, advice and support they need to be productive, profitable, sustainable and connected to the latest research is a topic of national significance identified in the Australian competitiveness white paper. Results of this survey will be used to shape future agricultural extension services.
Clicking on the following link will provide you with more information about the survey, and give you the option of participating. If you participate, the survey is expected to take approximately 15 minutes.
The survey forms part of research into agricultural extension being conducted as part of the Australian Government Department of Agriculture and Water Resources Rural R&D for Profit programme and is supported by RIRDC (Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation), Dairy Australia, Meat and Livestock Australia, Cotton Research and Development Corporation, Australian Pork Limited, Sugar Research Australia, Horticulture Innovation Australia, NSW Department of Industry, Agriculture Victoria and the University of Melbourne. The survey is administered by Quantum Market Research.