The program aims to:
- improve the management of water resources develop reliable and sustainable water supplies
- increase self sufficiency in water supply
- improve the reliability, quality and management of on-property water supplies
- provide reliable emergency water supplies for rural communities
- increase water use efficiency.
There are five programs that the Rural Water Planning Program manages.
- Farm Water Supply Planning Scheme
- Farm Water Rebate Scheme
- Community Water Supply Program
- Pastoral Water Grants
- Emergency Water Supplies / AA Dams
The Farm Water Rebates are provided in two parts – the Farm Water Supply Planning Scheme and the Farm Water Rebate Scheme.
The Farm Water Supply Planning Scheme (FWSPS) rebate is for up to 00 towards a farm water deficiency audit and up to 50 for the auditor call-back.
The Farm Water Rebate Scheme (FWRS) provides rebates for up to 5 000 per farming business every ten years for farmers who have had the above audit completed by a Department of Water approved auditor. The rebate is to implement water supply improvements to secure on farm water supplies for the future
To be eligible you must be:
- a commercial farmer in a dryland agricultural district receiving less than 600mm average annual rainfall
- registered for GST & have an ABN
- operate as an extensive livestock or grain producer
- more than 400ha in total – less than this will trigger a commerciality check
Farms connected to scheme water are generally not eligible unless in certain circumstance (please enquire first)
To find an auditor or to see what works is eligible for a rebate –
For more information on the rebates please call 1800 780 300 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.