Catchments, Corridors and Coasts – what’s it all about?
Ocean snorkelling, walking at a river’s edge, exploring the treetops, beachcombing and sharing your experiences with environmental educators are just some of the activities you’ll enjoy by enrolling in the action packed Catchments, Corridors and Coasts program.

The program will allow you to focus your learning through experience and skill development, whilst reflecting on the synergies between environmental education practitioners on the South Coast.

You’ll learn about environmental issues and the work being undertaken by community groups and different levels of government, what resources and support is available and how everyone can work together to create a healthier environment.

You will take home a wealth of resources to use in your workplace, as content used during the program can be linked to the current Australian school curriculum.

Who should attend?
The program is suitable for tertiary students or new graduates, community members and groups, youth organisations, teachers, student teachers, Sustainable Schools Initiative participants, private sector personnel, environmental officers, local government officers and state government department officers.

For more information, please contact community engegment project officer Jacqui Foster on 9845 8503 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Click the link below to download the Catchments, Corridors and Coasts brochure and registration form.
