Southern Incentives Objectives
This project aims to protect, restore and enhance native vegetation within the lower Gordon-Kent catchments by implementing on-ground works which will either link existing high value remnant vegetation, improve high value remnant vegetation or both.
Applicants are encouraged to undertake activities to address the protection and enhancement of remnant vegetation in an integrated way. Southern Incentives 2015 funds on-ground works including:
• Strategically located revegetation that will buffer, extend or link high value remnants.
• Fencing to exclude stock.
Priority will be given to those projects where:
• Proposed revegetation will enhance or link existing remnant vegetation.
• Proposed vegetation area is larger than 1.5 ha.
• Revegetation and remnant vegetation locations are in landscapes recognised for their high biodiversity values.
• Revegetation improves the food source or potential habitats for EPBC species.
• The area protected is maximised (i.e. the length of fence to area protected ratio is optimised).
Where Projects can be Undertaken
Projects must be located within the lower part of the Gordon River Catchment, Kent River Catchment, Irwin Inlet catchment or Bow River catchment which includes parts of the shires of Denmark and Manjimup.
Ineligible Activities
• Retrospective works
• Funds may only be used for works approved in an application. Fencing funding does NOT include property boundary fencing
Funding Amounts, Rates and in-kind Contributions
Grant applications of up to 0,000 (GST exclusive) will be considered. Indicative funding rates are:
• Revegetation – up to ,450/ha (includes site preparation costs, seed and seedlings and planting costs)
• Fencing – up to ,400/km
In-kind contributions can include, but are not restricted to, site planning, in-kind labour, travel and machinery.
All works must be completed by May 31, 2016.
For enquiries, or to arrange a site assessment of your property, contact Southern Incentives project officer Sally Forbes on 9845 8540 or 0427 722 482 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Applications close 4pm, Monday, August 3.
For guidelines, application form and a map of eligible areas, please click the links below.
This project is supported by South Coast NRM through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme.