The Department of Parks and Wildlife is partnering with South Coast NRM and other regional Natural Resource Management groups across WA to manage the well-regarded Land for Wildlife program.

Land for Wildlife is a voluntary scheme to encourage and assist private landholders to provide habitat for wildlife in bushland on their property.

Mr Jim Sharp, Director General Parks and Wildlife, said the collaboration with regional NRM organisations would benefit private land managers and the State’s biodiversity conservation.

“Parks and Wildlife has run Land for Wildlife since 1997 and will continue to administer the program through coordination of property assessments, registering and supporting new participants and communications including the Western Wildlife newsletter. “NRM regional groups have expertise in providing land management support to landholders, community engagement and information dissemination, and considerable local knowledge about land management practices and local biodiversity conservation.”

Justin Bellanger, CEO of South Coast NRM, said “our plan is to work with landholders in our region, and link them into networks and provide them with local information”. “Our staff will provide information about local grant opportunities and landscape issues relevant in the region, such as managing dieback, controlling weeds and feral animals that impact on the condition of these patches of precious remnant vegetation” said Mr Bellanger.

Silvia Leighton, who previously ran the program for Parks and Wildlife, endorsed the partnership, saying that she is really excited that Land for Wildlife will once again become an active on-ground conservation programme in the south coast region. “There are many inspiring Land for Wildlife property owners in the region who care for unique and special bushland areas. Land for Wildlife will be a stronger programme with expertise being provided through the partnership between Parks and Wildlife and South Coast NRM” said Ms Leighton.

In WA, there are currently 1941 registered landholders, with a total of 286,614 hectares of bushland being managed as wildlife habitat through the program. For more information or to become a participant, visit, or call the program coordinator on 9219 9527.