From the desk of Chrissy, Content & Communications Coordinator.

Birak, Bunuru, Djeran, Makuru, Djilba and Kambarang are the six seasons of the Indigenous calendar.

With no start or end date to each season, the passing of each one is something that is felt. The Noongar/ Nyungar people ebb and flow with the changes of Western Australia’s environment, letting nature guide them. Plants and animals have a special purpose in the changing of each season. The seasons can be long or short, indicated by what is happening around us rather than by dates on a calendar.

The blossoming of red flowers signifies we are moving into the season of Djeran. Djeran is a time of cooling, heralded by a shift in wind direction and intensity – gentle southerly winds and light breezes bring a welcome relief from the hot weather. Menang man and educator, Larry Blight, recently announced that a drop in humidity and the return of cool nights that leave a dewy residue in the early mornings are all signs we’ve transitioned away from the preceeding season of Bunuru.

Also known as the “Season of Adulthood”, many animal offspring have now reached maturity and have either left their parents or are getting ready to. The blossoming banksias and gumtrees are an important food source for honeyeaters, parrots, insects and small marsupials. Djeran is traditionally a time for courtship and marriages, and to make sure homes are ready for the coming cold and wet weather.

South Coast NRM is immensely privileged to work in partnership with First Nations people on Noongar/ Nyungar boodja (Country) and to witness the changing of the seasons. Sharing Kaartdijin (knowledge) each season brings new learnings and delights. Volunteering is a very rewarding way to immerse yourself in our local environment and witness the magic of the seasons. Our South Coast Enviro-Experiences project offers environmental volunteering opportunities linked with the Indigenous seasons, with several Djeran events running over the next few weeks. For more information, head to our Upcoming Events page, or contact our project officer Catherine in Albany (e) and Jimena in Esperance (e)

You can read more about the changing seasons in this article by ABC News, “Guided by Nature”.