From the desk of Catherine, South Coast Enviro-Experiences Project Officer  

What an amazing time we had at the historic Forts reserve on the top of Mount Adelaide. Our dedicated group of volunteers gathered for the fortnightly City of Albany Bushcarers Community Bush Bee and together they took on the massive task of tackling invasive weeds to help preserve the natural beauty of this historical site.   

Our youngest volunteer created an interesting display of arum lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica), tangier pea (Lathyrus tingitanus), taylorina (Psoralea pinnata), watsonia (Watsonia bulbillifera), periwinkle (Vinca major) and African cornflag (Chasmanthe floribunda). They looked as beautiful as a bunch of freshly picked flowers but they cause a significant problem in our local reserves, taking over from the native plants that should really be thriving there. 

The City of Albany reserves team showed the volunteers how invasive weeds have sneaky seed-spreading capabilities that enable them to establish footholds in these reserves.  That’s why it’s so important to have volunteers attend these busy bees who do great work pulling these non-natives out! 

Of course, no busy bee is complete without an enjoyable well-deserved morning tea break. Making new friends with not just the volunteers but also with the local magpies that came to sing us a song. Volunteering is not just about the work, it’s about forging connections and building a sense of community.   

There are lots of groups in our local region that help to preserve our local reserves.  To join the City of Albany reserves team on their next busy bee, or to find out about other similar groups, you can sign up to the South Coast Enviro-Experiences volunteer web platform to find out more. Once registered, you can download the MyImpact App and connect with your community.

For more information or help with the platform contact Catherine (e) (m) 0421 437 525.

The South Coast Enviro-Experiences project is supported by Lotterywest.