It’s been an exciting few days for natural resource management in the South Coast region, and for our team attending so many fabulous events! We are very fortunate to have so many opportunities to learn and share knowledge.

Yesterday, Letisha, our Regional Agricultural Landcare Facilitator, joined more than 40 women in Borden as they gathered to support the North Stirlings Pallinup Natural Resources Rural Women’s Resilience event – Sip, Swap, Yarn. And what a fantastic day it was! Attendees were treated to a clothes swap, stalls from local sustainable businesses, a delicious lunch and the chance to get creative with hair accessories from recycled fabric.

The event was a wonderful opportunity for rural communities to come together and learn about the human and environmental impacts of the fashion industry and how to be a more sustainable and conscious customer. Ted Fernie and Tori Kirk from the Australian Wool Industry gave some thought-provoking insights to clothing label systems, wearing wool, fast fashion, upcycling, op-shopping and much more.

Thank you to the team from North Stirlings Pallinup Natural Resources for hosting such a fabulous event, and to the Australian Government National Landcare Program and Australian Wool Industry for supporting our communities and contributing to natural resource management across the South Coast region.