Recently, South Coast NRM, together with Bush Heritage Australia, had the pleasure of Great Southern Grammar Year 10 student Elsie Wright working with us. Here Elsie explains where her love of nature comes from:
“My name is Elsie and I am from Boxwood Hill. I grew up on a conservation bush property that sits on the Pallinup River. Both of my parents come from environmental science backgrounds, which has fostered my love for the bush on the South Coast of WA. It is an incredible thing going for long walks through the bush at home, looking for perhaps a significant plant (mum is a botanist), or simply just being immersed in the environment, as well as being given the opportunity to be involved in cultural burning with local Noongar elders, which is so valuable. By learning and exploring the landscape you live in, it provides a deeper connection and understanding which is so special. I have always been taught to take all the opportunities that come my way and it really is so rewarding to have more knowledge of the place I live in and feel so privileged to have grown up in.
I chose to do work experience at South Coast and Bush Heritage, as I always thought it would be interesting and when exploring possible career options, it ties into my love for the environment with improving environmental management and solutions for the future. This week has been an amazingly diverse one, looking at different projects underway with South Coast and the in the office, and spending two days in the field with Bush Heritage. These field days were a highlight as it was lovely soaking up the incredible bushland around Monjebup and the Stirlings, especially as it is the local area I grew up in, so learning more about the area was so valuable. I also got very lucky in getting the chance to see some very special wildlife like the mallee fowl, echidna, and adorable pygmy possums. In the future I’m hoping to study environmental science at Uni and end up in a job working in environmental management or conservation.”
Thank you Elsie, from the team at South Coast NRM and Bush Heritage Australia.