The release of a management plan makes an important step forward in the restoration of Coobidge Creek. The catchment sits to the west of Esperance, surrounded by productive cropping and pastures, and drains into a wetland system neighbouring the Ramsar listed Lake Gore catchment.

In 2017 a flooding event caused severe damage to the creek system, leading to sedimentation, erosion and loss of both native vegetation and arable land.  From May through to July of 2022 South Coast NRM engaged Landscape Ecologist, Nathan McQuoid to consult with landholders in the area to identify the key management actions needed to restore the creek and its catchment. 

Understanding the key issues from those that work with the landscape is integral in developing truly effective and long-lasting solutions. The Coobidge Creek management plan represents a collaborative approach to management that will in turn produce meaningful, on ground change.

You can read the full Coobidge Creek Catchment Report here. Thanks to the State Natural Resource Management Program for supporting this project.